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28 Fresh Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials

28 rare and professional Photoshop tutorials on creating extremely appealing text effects.

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JavaScript interview questions

These JavaScript questions were asked in a preliminary check before an actual interview for a JavaScript position at a company.

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DD Mega Menu

DD Mega Menu is a drop down menu that supports arbitrary sub menu layouts, such as multiple columns of links, even arbitrary rich HTML. Furthermore, it supports nested mega menus.

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How to Create Cross Browser Compatible Flare Lens Effect using Javascript

A look at how to use JavaScript and a single image to create an interactive flare lens effect.

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Modern Debugging Tips and Tricks

With the rise of mobile devices, JavaScript debugging is more complex than ever. This article covers a slew of debugging techniques: error throwing and handling, code injection, and mobile debugging.

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Building Cross-Platform Apps Using jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile introduces a cross-platform and cross-device framework for developing mobile applications. This simple app demonstrates this.

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Preloading images and executing code only after all images have loaded

See how to refine the process of preloading images to detect when all images have actually been preloaded and react accordingly.

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30+ Free Vector Backgrounds

30 free vector backgrounds from various sources for use on your website or print.

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